刚刚和老公一起看Pastor Joseph Prince的信息,其中牧师提到的一点, 觉得很有趣。然后,上网找了这个医生所分享的研究指出:
“One bout of anger will diminish the efficiency of your immune system for six hours, but one good laugh will increase the efficiency of your immune system for twenty-four hours.”
— Dr. Francisco Contreras, M.D., Surgical Oncologist and Director, Oasis of Hope Hospital, Tijuana, Mexico 墨西哥提华纳城癌症医院创办者
其实,这早在圣经箴言书17:22 已提到 喜乐的心,乃是良药;忧伤的灵,使骨枯干。
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.