Tuesday, January 24, 2006







上星期我收到了一张贺年卡,是一个中学的老朋友寄来的。短短的几句祝福的话,但却让我觉得很窝心。。。让我重温收到邮件的感觉。。贴心,也实在。。这些感觉,我想不是sms, email可以给予的吧。。。当然我不是排斥smsemail啦。。反倒觉得这些都是很好的联络工具呢。。只是,觉得偶尔“返璞归真”也是不错的尝试。。


1 comment:

foggy ooi said...

yaya, i agree.......
last time my friend tell me a funny story, he told that his mother love to show him the love letter that his father wrote to his mum.
But he added, nowaday, in the new generation we are sending email and sms, are we going to show our next generation our love letter through email or sms? and are u sure, u still can keep it as well as the hand writing letter. When i think on it that also make sense. so i getting confuse about the high tech and the warming of heart.......
When i saw this blog, it juz remind me about my friend story........
贺卡比较有“味道" , 很窝心。。。 i 100% agree, i love to receive card too....hee hee