Tuesday, December 12, 2006

10/12/2006 疯狂的一晚

         10/12/2006 是Bernard的生日。我们到了1UtamaShogun吃日本自助餐。。。味道so so 啦。。一些冷冰冰,一些味道怪怪。。佳礼说Jogoya Shogun可是一个在天,一个在地哦!没有法子啦,要开源节流嘛!!哈哈!


然后我们就看10.15pmDe javu。电影结束时已经约12.40am了。。。然后他还很精神,结果我们又疯狂的看了在12.45am 上映的Colic。。。三更半夜看恐怖片,还有什么事情比这个更刺激的吗?!哈哈!




结果我大约330am回到家。。也累得倒头大睡了。。他说回到家居然还睡不着。。这个生日,他莫非hyper active起来了吗?!哈哈!




sHad0w Ryo said...

yup..i can't agree more...i rather pay double the price for exquisite cuisine experience at jogoya.....i missed jogoya!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

shogun was crap....any japanese buffet with LOCAL delights just WON'T work....

Gwen Tan said...

I wondering ler.. everytime I go 1U, saw long queue outside of Shogun... so we thought to give Shogun a try....haha...

I wish to go Jogoya also.. but from magazine said that on weekend, it only restricted for two hours per person, right?

That's why I wish to go on weekday..hehe.. can relax and enjoy the environment.. and of cos eat gao gao..hehe ^_*

sHad0w Ryo said...

if u want to have the cheapest rate...go during late lunch...from 1.40pm-420pm...68 per pax....eat till u SYOK....lets take leave and go eat someday XD

Gwen Tan said...

probably we will go on Jan...but not sure yet..hehe...

wah.. guess u must be very familiar with jogoya ler... so familiar with their operating hours ler...^_*