Thursday, August 23, 2007

GSC Buy 1 Free 1 Coupon



Joey Chong said...

How you get this coupon?

Wan Yen Chuah said...

ya ya !! how u get this coupon???

hhmmm.. can we just print this coupon here and bring to GSC?? hahah!!

Gwen Tan said...

you can download it from

abundance youth said... GOOD ya

Ted Low T.K said...

d/load...? R u sure it can use...? Apply to all GSC....?

Gwen Tan said...

sure can use.. u can check it out from GSC. website

^ lomaigai ^ said...

can use
can use
i use it last week
but it just for those movie got * mark only oooo
not all movie ooo

Gwen Tan said...

Thanks for clarify for me!!