Thursday, July 10, 2008

BeE'NaRd 独家美食日记 ->06/07/2008@ Izzi

Citibank的offer 是满RM100, 可以享有 65% 的折扣哦!环境不错,食物也不错,值得来看看哦!

Beef' n Izzi (Regular Pizza) RM34.80
BBQ Chicken Salad RM19.80
Baked Spring Chicken Rice RM24.80
Deep Fried Calamari RM16.80
Tomato Cream Soup RM9.80
Ice Lemon Tea RM8.90
Jasmine Tea RM6.80

- Citibank Promo 65% (-RM68.90)

Total Pay RM52.80

Izzi Pizza, Pasta & Coffee KL
44-2A, Jln Sultan Ismail, 50250 KL
Tel: 03-21415808


YYbee . said...


felix chai said...

where is the location huh?

Gwen Tan said...


Gwen Tan said...

had update it on above, pls check it out! enjoy!

felix chai said...

this one nearer thn 兴隆台湾面馆

abundance youth said...

Citibank的offer 是满RM100, 可以享有 65% 的折扣哦。。。我怎么不知道的!!!好的,这星期天去吃。yahoo。谢谢版主的介绍。

Albert Mah said...


Gwen Tan said...

可以到他们家网站看看。他们说:What Inflation takes from you, Izzi give u back... 哈哈!很够力的广告在他们家门口。。

现在没有citibank credit card, 也是有50% discount哦!

Gwen Tan said...


Gwen Tan said...

这里的credit card 常常tie with restaurant, 给予折扣。不过65%是比较罕见啦!

Albert Mah said...


七 禾页 said...


Gwen Tan said...

我们那次问了。。。答案是 =没有。呵呵!

Gwen Tan said...


Albert Mah said...


Gwen Tan said...



Albert Mah said...


Wan Yen Chuah said...

yeah... i been there before with "f.o.c." meal, back to last two years ....
cos they would like to advertise their foods... and so coincident... we are invited as their guess... and "our face" was appear on the magazine lor ~~ hehehe..... ~(^..^)~

Gwen Tan said...


Gwen Tan said...

wah.. so nice.. can eat FOC, somemore 上头条。。haha.. how you comment with their food?

Wan Yen Chuah said...

haha...of course give some comments lor ~
actually they want us to be their models.. cos they want to intorduce that the upper floor is having a children playground, while parents enjoy their meal... and the children can also enjoy their "playing" over there.... however, i do not know whether they still maintain the playground or not !! hehe ~~

err... by the way, do you know this citibank promotion will be end on when ya??!!

Gwen Tan said...

哦。。原来如此。不过,那天我们去时,是坐楼下。楼上的section 是closed的,所以不了解那个playground还有没有。

citibank 的offer, 我不太清楚到几时。但是,听说他们的set lunch offer也很便宜,好像也一直on going 50% discount even 没有信用卡。


Wan Yen Chuah said...

oh i see ~~
by the way... thanks for your information !! ^o^

Gwen Tan said...

You are welcome..hope it helps u!

Albert Mah said...
