Thursday, July 3, 2008


上个星期和害羞摇滚先生的家人,一行9人到 Port Dickson来个两天一夜游。

虽然,resort很糟糕,搞得我眼睛敏感得红红,搞得我鼻子痒痒,一直打喷嚏。虽然Blue Lagoon的海没有我想象的碧蓝色的海水。但是,我还是享受这样的一段时间。


惊觉自己好久没有去旅行了。。怪不得,两天一夜的 PD也可以满足了贪婪的我。



shyROCKer ^_^ said...

回来做工咯 ... 小姐 ^_*

Albert Mah said...

去关丹海边会不会比较舒服点...马六甲海峡都没有什么看头... =)

纖維 josh said...

happy journey!

Gwen Tan said...


Wan Yen Chuah said...

blue lagoon ... i have been there before .. but long long time ago...
last time the sea there is really blue color one .... but nowadays.. pollution is terrible... so i think is no longer that blue already !! sigh....

anymore photos to share with us !!?? ^_^

Gwen Tan said...

那当然啦。。但是,关丹太远了。而且Bernard的父母志在故地从游,我们只是当陪客 loo。。。但是,他们老人家都玩得很尽兴。呵呵!

Gwen Tan said...

ya, we enjoyed our journey, brother..haha

Gwen Tan said...

really ar? lot of ppl said so.. that's why we put high expectation on seeing BLUE BLUE WATER at BLUE LAGOON.haha...

ya,..some picture with Bernard's sister.. will upload it soon..

Wan Yen Chuah said...

ya ... in my memory... is blue one .. nice scenario...
but very long time ago.. i think during that time is ... 1996 or 1997 ..
if not mistaken.. ..
see... almost 11 to 12 years back lor ~~ hehehe...

Gwen Tan said...

but it still better than other part of PD la... is our fault.. we put too high expectation liao..hehe

Wan Yen Chuah said...

ya... maybe lor..
cos other part of pd sea... really not that good !! :P

Joey Chong said...


Gwen Tan said...
